Shawn`s Ecuador Hike For Shelter 2023

Posted Dec 5th, 2023 in General, Team Zold Extras

This past November, our Team Leader, Shawn Zigelstein along with over 100 Royal LePage Agents from across Canada headed to Quito, Ecuador.  This amazing group was chosen to hike for 5 days towards one of the highest active volcanoes in the world, Mt. Cotopaxi, in support of the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation and our local Women's Shelter The Yellow Brick House

"There are so many reasons why I volunteer to sleep in a tent, have no running water, tents with a hole in the ground to use the washroom, and some grueling days of hiking in some extreme changes in temperature… but the most important reason is to help bring even more awareness to the needs that we have in dealing with violence against women and children. This has to stop and as I write this and we are hovering around the 1.7 million dollar mark raised for this event - we can always use more!" - Shawn said.

This was Shawn’s third hike for Shelter, as he hiked 125km in Iceland in 2017 and 120km in Sahara Desert in 2019 and told us that all treks have been life changing experiences for himself while having the ability to know that others lives have been changed with the fundraising efforts of the over $1,700,000 that was raised coast to coast this year.

To all of those who donated and sponsored this great cause, thank you so much!!!

The money raised from you will benefit the Yellow Brick House which is our local shelter that needs every penny.

Please feel free to check out the donation link at and give a little something if you are so kind to help support such an amazing cause.

Donation - The Yellow Brick House

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